16 images in total
A gallery of the images on the website
Schizoid Nightmares
14 images
Artwork and images by Schizoid Nightmares
Creative Commons
8 images
Artwork by Schizoid Nightmares under CC BY 4.0
2 images
Copyrighted artwork and images (non-CC) by Schizoid Nightmares
Public Icons derivations
2 images
Artwork (not originally) by Schizoid Nightmares derived from David Merfield’s Public Icons (CC0 1.0)

Music note symbol (old)

Music note symbol (current)
Pexels derivations
1 image
Artwork by Schizoid Nightmares under CC BY 4.0, derived from Pexels

Concrete Amazon cover image
AI derivations
1 image
Artwork by Schizoid Nightmares under CC BY 4.0, derived from AI
Vlad Momot
1 image
Artwork from Vlad Momot as paid commissions (CC BY 4.0)

Schizoid Nightmares header
Fair dealing
1 image
Images that I use but do not have the rights to (I use under fair dealing)